Our Crews

Training in Aljouf Aljadid for Transportation and Oil Services is continuous process that is planned according to the needs of its clients' requirements in order to give employees the skills and knowledge that allow them to meet international standards of quality and commitment to HSSE policies.

In order to achieve the above mentioned target, the company has organized a number of Defensive Driving Courses in cooperation with the best international training centers and Oil&Gas clients to give its drivers internationally recognizable certifications.

Our crews have also received training in the fields of First Aid, Logistics, and Oil Spill Response.

All banksmen, riggers, slinggers, forklift operators, and crane operators receive continuous training in their field in order to upgrade their skills and are certified by industry recognized training providers such as the Scottish North Sea Lifting Limited and Safety Technical Services Co. LTD among others.

Aljouf Aljadid for Transportation and Oil Services has started reaping the fruits of training. It increased our clients' trust in our abilities, especially after our exceptional achievement with Wood Side Energy Ltd, when we were able to provide (72) workers to undertake different onshore and offshore assignments achieving (113.268) man-hour without any Lost Time Injury. This increased the company's credibility in the field of offshore logistics which is still new in Misurata.


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ISO Certificate

ISO Certificate ISO Certificate
ISO Certificate of Registration

Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough

Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough
New crane added to our company “Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough terrain crane”


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